A Bold New Vision

Impact is the only African-American founded & operated independent international inspirational tv network.

The Impact Network is the largest and only African-American founded independent international inspirational tv network broadcasting to over 90 million homes. The Impact Network was founded in April 2010 by Bishop Wayne T. & Dr. Beverly Y. Jackson, a husband and wife team who have served their local community in Detroit for over 30 years as faith leaders, entrepreneurs and philanthropists. By divine insight they saw a need to bring uplifting programming to the urban community by blending the worlds of faith, lifestyle, community and culture together to impact their spiritual, emotional, social and financial well being.

Support Your Bishops, Pastors, & Church

Impact Network is Broadcasting in over 90 millions home. A portion of your monthly subscription proceeds, with Vidgo,  goes back to your community. Chose a Vidgo package below and support your bishops, pastors and the church.


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